Marstow Parish Council
Marstow Parish Council plays an active part in all local planning issues. Along with potholes, dog fouling and grit bins, it is probably the area of the council's role that is best known to the community and which can be of significant importance.
The most recent planning applications affecting our parishes can be viewed below. Click on the Document Id to view the Planning Notice, or click on the Application Number to view the planning application details on the Herefordshire Council website.
Date Received | Document | Description | Application Number |
14.02.2025 | MXBA3169 | Planning Re-consultation: Chapel Cottage, Glewstone. Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 214636 for the erection of one three bedroom cottage and construction of new vehicular access and other associated works. | |
10.02.2025 | ADD89623 | Cedar Lodge, Pencraig. Proposed first floor balcony to rear bedroom. | |
29.01.2025 | LWH73943 | Ruxton House, Marstow. Application for variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission 214645 (Proposed outbuilding to form tractor shed, office and games room) - to add double doors to north end for additional access into the tractor shed, move WC from west side to east side to help facilitate drainage and swap the personnel door and wc window over to accommodate the relocation of the wc. |
Date Received | Document | Description | Application Number |
29.10.2024 | ADD88458 | Listed Building Consent: Whitfield Cottage, Whitfield Court, Glewston. Internal amendments to kitchen wall finish. Retention of paint finish to sitting room dado panelling. | |
11.07.2024 | WSCB2375 | Chapel Cottage, Glewstone. Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 214636 for the erection of one three bedroom cottage and construction of new vehicular access and other associated works. | |
17.06.2024 | TCA45869 | Appeal against Refusal of Planning Permission. Land at Glewstone. Proposed residential development of 2 detached houses. | |
12.06.2024 | TCA45843 | Appeal against Refusal of Planning Permission. Land West of Chapel Cottage, Glewstone. Proposed 5 no. detached houses. | |
09.01.2024 | LWH65826 | Listed Building Consent. Lower Daffaluke, Daffaluke Road, Glewstone. Proposed repair to west elevation (gable end) and north elevation by removing existing non-breathable white paint, re-pointing any open joints in a pure lime mortar and repainting with a breathable white finish to retain existing character. | |
17.10.2023 | LWH65711 | Caravan at Tuck Mill Barn, Tuck Mill Lane, Marstow. Proposed erection of single-storey replacement dwelling. |
Date Received | Document | Description | Application Number |
17.10.2023 | JAC57739 | Herriot Cottage, Glewstone. Proposed demolition of existing garage and construction of new annexe to provide additional ancillary accommodation to dwelling. | |
13.10.2023 | MXB92941 | Whitfield House, Whitfield Court, Glewstone. Proposed retention of features which vary from previously approved scheme. | |
13.10.2023 | MXB92935 | Whitfield House, Whitfield Court, Glewstone. Proposed retention of features which vary from previously approved scheme. | |
28.07.2023 | TCA43422 | Appeal. Lower Daffaluke, Daffaluke Road, Glewstone. Proposed conversion of 1 stone barn (listed by curtilage), to provide holiday accommodation. Demolition of one tin barn (unlisted), to be re-built to provide holiday accommodation and laundry/bike storage area. Raising the south roof of a 'pig-shed' building (unlisted), to the ridge height of the North roof, installing solar panels, no change of usage. Associated work to the site including demolition of blockwork pens. Regularisation of the location of the completed Private Treatment Plant. | |
09.01.2023 | JAC53021 | Listed Building Consent. Newhouse Farm, Marstow. Improvements to chimney stacks, paint removal from historic surfaces, modernisation of services throughout and reordering of top floor layout. |
Date Received | Document | Description | Application Number |
11.11.2022 | MXB85326 | Herriot Cottage, Glewstone. Change of use of agricultural land to residential curtilage. | |
11.11.2022 | MXB85299 | Tuck Mill Barn, Tuck Mill Lane, Marstow, Herefordshire, HR9 6EH. Conversion of existing barn into residential dwelling (Use Class C3.) | |
10.11.2022 | MXB85252 | Listed Building Consent. Whitfield Cottage, Whitfield Court, Glewstone. Proposed garden shed. | |
05.10.2022 | MXB84391 | Greenway, Glewstone. Proposed extension to dwelling and replacement garage outbuilding. Re-positioning of existing ground-mounted solar pv panels to garage roof. | |
09.09.2022 | LWH56450 | Packhouse, Glewstone. Proposed conversion of packhouse to one dwelling and associated works. | |
18.08.2022 | MXB83338 | Planning Consultation: September House, Pencraig. Proposed two-storey extension | |
12.08.2022 | WSCA1695 | Planning Consultation: Land at Glewstone. Proposed residential development of 2 detached houses | |
08.08.2022 | WSCA1399 | Planning Consultation: Land West of Chapel Cottage, Glewstone. Proposed 5 no. detached houses. | |
21.07.2022 | EMM82488 | Planning Consultation: Threshing Barn at The Porch, Glewstone. Proposed boot room with a WC to East elevation. | |
11.07.2022 | ADD79230 | Planning Consultation: Glewstone Boat, Glewstone. Proposed extensions and alterations. | |
29.06.2022 | EMM81746 | Listed Building Consent: Lower Daffaluke, Daffaluke Road, Glewstone. Proposed conversion of 1 stone barn (listed by curtilage), to provide holiday accommodation. Demolition of one tin barn (unlisted), to be re-built to provide holiday accommodation and laundry/bike storage area. Raising the south roof of a 'pig-shed' building (unlisted), to the ridge height of the North roof, installing solar panels, no change of usage. Associated work to the site including demolition of blockwork pens. | |
29.06.2022 | EMM81740 | Planning Consultation: Lower Daffaluke, Daffaluke Road, Glewstone. Proposed conversion of 1 stone barn (listed by curtilage), to provide holiday accommodation. Demolition of one tin barn (unlisted), to be re-built to provide holiday accommodation and laundry/bike storage area. Raising the south roof of a 'pig-shed' building (unlisted), to the ridge height of the North roof, installing solar panels, no change of usage. Associated work to the site including demolition of blockwork pens. |
If you cannot find a particular application on this site please use Herefordshire Council's online planning application search engine.