Marstow Parish Council

Where It's At, Man!


Herefordshire Council Notices

Herefordshire Council's website is providing more and more useful information. You should find links to the most relevent bits posted on this page.

West Mercia Police

Would you like to help keep your community safe, get some exercise, and meet new people?

We are looking for volunteers to join our new StreetWatch scheme!

As a Streetwatch Volunteer, you will walk your local streets in groups and provide reassurance and engagement with local issues that matter most. While you will have no police powers, you will work directly with local policing teams to report any issues noticed during your walks.

Becoming a StreetWatch Volunteer is a fantastic way to help keep your community safe, to meet new people in your community who share the same values, to improve community engagement with the police, and to keep fit and healthy.

Interested? Learn more by clicking here

Apply today by clicking here, or by emailing

Herefordshire Now

Picture of the Herefordshire Now cover


Please find below a link to the latest issue of Herefordshire Now, Herefordshire Council’s quarterly publication to share news and information about council services with residents.

Picture of Herefordshire’s community website logo

Advertise your events and activities on WISH – it’s FREE

WISH, Herefordshire’s community website, has a new What’s On section where you can promote any events you’ve got coming up for free. It’s quick and simple and you don’t need to register with WISH to use it.

Click on the logo above for more information.


Picture of the Rubbish Collection 2019 Notice

Everyone is being encouraged to think about the Unusual Suspects, items that people aren’t always sure can be recycled or not.

To help avoid confusion Herefordshire Council have produced a new guide for recycling which Herefordshire residents can use to find out what can and can’t be recycled from your home into your green bin or recycling sack.

Making sure we only put the right things in our recycling is really important as putting the wrong items in can contaminate other clean recycling and can harm the environment through the extra treatment and transport required to remove it.

Please read the guide attached here and if you need further information please visit the recycling and waste pages on the council’s website

Thank you for recycling responsibly

Herefordshire Council Waste Management

Picture of the Rural Network Scheme Logo

The Rural Services Network is the national champion for rural services, ensuring that people in rural areas have a strong voice. Their purpose is to fight for a fair deal for rural communities to maintain their social and economic viability for the benefit of the nation as a whole.

If you are interested in the work that they do, please click on their logo to be taken to their website.

Health and Care

Picture of the Healthwatch Herefordshire logo


Healthwatch is your champion for health and care services in Herefordshire. We collect your views and listen to your experiences, and feed that information back to service providers and commissioners to help improve services through what you’ve told us.

Across Herefordshire and Worcestershire, health and care organisations are committed to providing safe and effective services, but the way some services are run may need to change. This is partly because of a growing population and rising demands on services, and making the best of the resources available.

Due to the size of the challenge, health and social care bodies in Herefordshire and Worcestershire (and across England) are working together on a plan to help make sure health and care services are safe and sustainable for the future.

Healthwatch has been working with local groups to better understand the needs and requirements of patients in a sustainable health and care system.

Healthwatch will be feeding the information gathered from the survey and further engagement activity back to service providers and commissioners of services, so they are included in the shaping of plans for services going forward.

For more information about Healthwatch Herefordshire and our work visit or call the office on 01432 364481

Useful links

Click on the blue button, then click on 'South Villages'

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Marstow Parish Council confirm that they have to the best of their ability tested the website and are satisfied that all reasonable precautions have been taken so that it conforms to the latest government accessibility requirements.

External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, the Parish Council is not responsible for the content of external websites.

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