Marstow Parish Council

Where It's At, Man!


Marstow Parish Council Data Protection

The Parish Council has a responsibility under the Data Protection Act 2018 to hold, obtain, record, use and store all personal data relating to an identifiable individual in a secure and confidential manner.

On this page you will find information on the Parish Council's Data Protection Policy, a statement on what data we hold, and guidance on how to access the data held by the parish council, should you ever need to.

Marstow Parish Council confirm that they have to the best of their ability tested the website and are satisfied that all reasonable precautions have been taken so that it conforms to the latest government accessibility requirements.

External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, the Parish Council are not responsible for the content of external websites.

You can view or download all relevant documentation by clicking on the images below:

Data Protection Privacy Notice

Data Protection Privacy Notice

Data Protection Information Audit and Retention Schedule

Data Protection Information Audit

Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy

Information Regarding the Parish Council

Information Regarding the Parish Council

How to Access your Records

How to Access your Records

Access Request Form

Access Request Form


If that lot doesn't send you to sleep, then nothing will!

Copyright 2016 - 2022. All rights reserved

Marstow Parish Council confirm that they have to the best of their ability tested the website and are satisfied that all reasonable precautions have been taken so that it conforms to the latest government accessibility requirements.

External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, the Parish Council is not responsible for the content of external websites.

Design by Great Doward Professional Services