Marstow Parish Council

Where It's At, Man!


Marstow Parish Council

Marstow Parish Council covers the villages of Marstow, Pencraig and Glewstone in south Herefordshire.

If you need to contact the parish council, please do so via the parish clerk:

Keith Shilton

Phone: 07932 373661


If you have any suggestions to make regarding this website, please email the site administrator


Standing Orders and Code of Conduct
A copy of the parish council's Code of Conduct can be read or downloaded here while the Standing Orders can be read or downloaded here.


Civility and Respect
A copy of the parish council's Civility and Respect policy can be read or downloaded here.

Picture of map showing the Marstow Parish Boundary

Copyright 2016 - 2022. All rights reserved

Marstow Parish Council confirm that they have to the best of their ability tested the website and are satisfied that all reasonable precautions have been taken so that it conforms to the latest government accessibility requirements.

External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, the Parish Council is not responsible for the content of external websites.

Design by Great Doward Professional Services